Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Programming the Arduino Uno without using Arduino IDE

It is possible to program the Arduino Uno without the use of Arduino IDE.

Download the WinAVR tools from the below link

After installation you can find the AVR tools in C:\WinAVR-20100110\bin

Open Notepad and save the below code as blinky.c and place it in some folder say 'test_blinky'

 * Blinks LED on connected to pin 13 (PB5 on Atmega328P)
 * Authors : Jabez Winston C, Hariharan K

#define F_CPU 16e6  // Arduino Uno's ATmega328P runs at 16MHz 


int main()
DDRB|=(1<<5); //Set PB5 as output by setting 5th bit DDRB register  

 PORTB|=(1<<5);  //Set pin 13 (PB5)- High
 _delay_ms(100); //Wait for 100 ms
 PORTB&=~(1<<5); //Set pin 13 (PB5)- Low
 _delay_ms(100); //Wait for 100ms
return 0; 
//Refer Atmega328P datasheet for details regarding DDRB and PORTB

Inside the folder 'test_blinky' ,with SHIFT key pressed ,right click and select Open command window here

Type the following commands on command prompt

avr-gcc -O2 -mmcu=atmega328p blinky.c 
avr-objcopy -O ihex a.out a.hex

The first command compiles the program with optimization level 2 (O2) and

To flash the HEX file (a.hex) to Arduino ,use the below command
avrdude -patmega328p -carduino -PCOM25 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:a.hex:i

Replace COM25 port by the COM port for your Arduino by looking into the device manager
-Uflash:w:a.hex:i tells the avrdude utility to (w)rite (i)ntel hex file (a.hex) to flash memory.
-b115200 tells at what baud rate avrdude should communicate with the bootloader. Here it is 115200.Changing it to some other value won't work.

To automate the 3 steps, a batch file is written which does the process of compiling,HEX file conversion and flashing the HEX file.Save the below code as build_and_flash.bat in test_blinky folder and run it.

del *.hex *.out

avr-gcc -O2 -mmcu=atmega328p blinky.c 
avr-objcopy -O ihex a.out a.hex
avrdude -patmega328p -carduino -PCOM25 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:a.hex:i


Complete work is found in this github link

How was it found that it works this way ?

Go to File -> Preferences in Arduino IDE

Enable verbose output during compilation and upload

Arduino IDE showing the commands executed in background during compilation and upload

Arduino's AVR tools can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin . Those tools can also be used instead of WinAVR tools.

The below batch file makes use Arduino AVR tools. Save as build_and_flash_arduino_tools.bat and make  use of it.

@echo off

::Add 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin' to environment variable PATH
set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin;%PATH%
:: Delete all .hex and .out files 
del *.hex *.out

:: Compile 'blinky.c' for ATmega328p chip using 'avr-gcc' to generate 'a.out' 
avr-gcc -O2 -mmcu=atmega328p blinky.c 

:: Convert 'a.out' to Intel HEX file 'a.hex' using 'avr-objcopy'
avr-objcopy -O ihex a.out a.hex

:: Burn the HEX file(a.hex) to ATmega328 chip on Arduino Uno using 'avrdude'
:: Replace COM25 by the COM port detected on your PC
avrdude -C"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf"  -patmega328p -carduino -PCOM25 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:a.hex:i

::Don't close console after execution

Friday, 31 March 2017

Controller Area Netrwork (CAN) in Linux

1. Install CAN-Utils

Method 1:

Using the command
sudo apt-get install can-utils


After downloading use the following commands

cd can-utils-master
sudo make install

2.Load CAN drivers (Reference: )

Use the following commands

sudo modprobe can
sudo modprobe vcan
sudo modprobe can_raw
sudo modprobe can_gw

To list the kernel modules

Kernel modules can be found in /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/net/can/
(or) <KERNEL_SRC>/net/can . Kernel source can be downloaded from

3.Creating virtual CAN node( Reference: )
Use the following commands to create a virtual CAN node vcan0

sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set up vcan0

Similarly repeat the above commands to a virtual CAN node vcan1

To list the details of network interfaces ,use ifconfig
Use ifconfig vcan0 to know details of vcan0

4.Using CAN-Utils

CAN Utils contains the following tools
asc2log, bcmserver, canbusload, can-calc-bit-timing, candump, canfdtest, cangen, cangw, canlogserver, canplayer, cansend, cansniffer, isotpdump, isotprecv, isotpperf, isotpsend, isotpserver, isotpsniffer, isotptun, log2asc, log2long, slcan_attach, slcand and slcanpty

Frequently used tools are highlighted

 a.cansend and candump

To send a CAN message , using cansend there are two requirements 11 bit(0x000 to 0x7FF) /29 bit(0x00000000 to 0x1FFFFFFF) identifier and message of length ranging from 0 to 8 bytes

To send a message (0x6789) of 2 bytes with 11bit identifier (0x000) to interface vcan0,use cansend vcan0 000#6789

To send a message (0x8679) of 8 bytes with 29 bit identifier (0x0123456789ABCDEF) to interface vcan0,use cansend vcan0 0x0123456789ABCDEF#8679

Using Acceptance filtering (Refer )

To filter messages whose ID is in the range  0x120 to 0x12F
Use candump vcan0,120:0x7F0
Messages are filtered based on this condition
[received_can_id] & [can_mask] == [can_id] & [can_mask]
Here can_id = 0x120 and can_mask =0x7F0
& is a bitwise operator

b.Using the CAN gateway utility (cangw):

Ensure that kernel module can_gw  is loaded.You can check it using the command lsmod

sudo cangw -F                                                            
 #deletes all gateway rules

sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 120:7F0      
 #Adds a new rule with source as vcan0 , destination as vcan1 with echo enabled and  which accepts messages of ID in the range     0x120 to 0x12F

sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 200:7F0       
#Adds a new rule with source as vcan0 destination as vcan1 with echo enabled and   which accepts messages of ID in the range  0x200 to 0x20F

cangw -L           
#Lists all gateway rules

d. using cangen
For more help and information, <utility_name> --help

Eg:       cangw --help
      cansend --help
      candump --help

Linux CAN Subsystem

For working on real CAN hardware