1. Install CAN-Utils
Method 1:
Using the command
sudo apt-get install can-utils
sudo apt-get install can-utils
After downloading use the following commands
unzip can-utils-master.zip
unzip can-utils-master.zip
cd can-utils-master
sudo make install
Use the following commands
sudo modprobe can
modprobe vcan
modprobe can_raw
modprobe can_gw
To list the kernel modules
Kernel modules can be found in /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/net/can/
Use the following commands to create a virtual CAN node vcan0
sudo ip
link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip
link set up vcan0
Similarly repeat the above commands to a virtual CAN node vcan1
Similarly repeat the above commands to a virtual CAN node vcan1
To list the details
of network interfaces ,use ifconfig
Use ifconfig
vcan0 to know details of vcan0
4.Using CAN-Utils
CAN Utils contains the following
bcmserver, canbusload, can-calc-bit-timing, candump, canfdtest, cangen, cangw,
canlogserver, canplayer, cansend, cansniffer, isotpdump, isotprecv, isotpperf, isotpsend,
isotpserver, isotpsniffer, isotptun, log2asc, log2long, slcan_attach, slcand
and slcanpty
Frequently used tools are highlighted
a.cansend and candump
To send a CAN message , using cansend there are two
requirements 11 bit(0x000 to 0x7FF) /29
bit(0x00000000 to 0x1FFFFFFF) identifier and message of length ranging from 0
to 8 bytes
To send a message (0x6789) of 2 bytes with 11bit identifier (0x000) to interface vcan0,use cansend vcan0 000#6789
To send a message (0x6789) of 2 bytes with 11bit identifier (0x000) to interface vcan0,use cansend vcan0 000#6789
To send a message (0x8679) of 8 bytes with 29 bit identifier
(0x0123456789ABCDEF) to interface vcan0,use
cansend vcan0 0x0123456789ABCDEF#8679
To filter messages whose ID is in the range 0x120 to 0x12F
Use candump
Messages are filtered based on this condition
& [can_mask] == [can_id] & [can_mask]
Here can_id = 0x120
and can_mask =0x7F0
& is a
bitwise operator
b.Using the
CAN gateway utility (cangw):
Ensure that kernel module can_gw is loaded.You can
check it using the command lsmod
sudo cangw
#deletes all
gateway rules
sudo cangw
-A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 120:7F0
#Adds a new rule with source as vcan0 , destination as vcan1 with echo enabled
and which
accepts messages of ID in the range 0x120
to 0x12F
sudo cangw
-A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 200:7F0
#Adds a new rule with source as vcan0 , destination as vcan1 with echo enabled
and which
accepts messages of ID in the range 0x200
to 0x20F
cangw -L
#Lists all
gateway rules
d. using cangen
For more help and information, <utility_name> --help
Eg: cangw --help
cansend --help
candump --help
Linux CAN Subsystem
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